Please note csbinternet will close on 31st March 2021 - see home page for details

Well, that was fun but it's time to go

31st March 2021

After almost 20 years I will be switching off csb internet on 31st March 2021 and moving on to pastures new. I would like to say a big thank you to all my clients over the years for their support and of course trusting me with their websites.

A lot has changed in 20 years - Google overtook Yahoo as the predominant search engine, Facebook started up, the iphone was created, online shopping boomed yet the basics of putting together a successful website haven't. Keep it simple. So on that note.

Thank you.



Keeps it simple

Danielle Freer, Amps Wine Merchants

so supportive and helpful

Lynn Carson, Davis Optometrists


Mark Palmer, Help and Safety at Work

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