Please note csbinternet will close on 31st March 2021 - see home page for details

much more than just website design ...

Website and Email Hosting:

The decision of where to Host your website and emails should not be taken lightly. If you have a business which relies upon email then consider whether a free service is in your best interests - after all your supplier may well have sold on your details to a third party (and you didn't see that in the small print).

At csb internet we treat looking after your emails and websites seriously and responsibly.

  • We ensure that backups are taken of the data on the servers at agreed intervals with you (from hourly to daily to weekly depending on the sensitivity of the data)
  • We work with a number of IT experts who can help set up your email on your pc, laptop, mobile, network from 1 to many users. Most of these we have worked with for many, many years. Equally we can work with yours.
  • We offer a friendly, non technical, personal, managed service - mobile numbers available too

To make the costings easier we have a series of hosting packages available which include different levels of website maintenance too - ask for details. Our terms and conditions are simple too - after all we want to work with you not against you!


Mark Palmer, Help and Safety at Work

knows what he's talking about

Rob Bowden, Bow Accountants

loves a challenge!

Andy Kemp, Cross and Cockade International

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01832 735306